Meet Your Instructor


Kung Fu Instructor in Rapid City

Sifu Pete Peterson began his study of martial arts in 1975 at St. Paul, MN YMCA with a focus on Karate under Sensei Robert Billington who had been stationed with the US Army in Okinawa, Japan. While in Okinawa, Sensei Billington studied under Sensei Ankicki Nakamura Okinawa Shuri-Te Karate. Sensei Billington taught in MN and WI for many years. Sifu Peterson also studied directly under Sensei Ankicki Nakamura many times.

Peterson continued his extensive study of Karate in the US, achieving eighth-degree black belt. Sifu Peterson currently teaches Ving Tsun Instinct Kung Fu at multiple locations in Rapid City, South Dakota. Sifu Peterson began his study of Kung Fu in China under Master Li, and later joined the international organization Ving Tsun Instinct International. Master Li later issued Mr. Peterson his teaching certificate as well. Sifu Peterson has returned to China numerous times over the years to continue his training with Master Li.

Under Master Li’s direction in China, Ving Tsun Instinct International accepts students from all ages and walks of life. It is Master Li’s belief that your training brothers and sisters become your Kung Fu family. Training sessions in China are unique where families support the students and they bring dinner for the students at the Kwoon (Chinese Training Hall). Master Li also spends time with each student during the training sessions. The annual association celebration in December is supported by students, families and local kung fu martial artists, regularly drawing crowds of more than +100.

Master Li visited Rapid City, SD in the Summer of 2024 to greet and encourage students training with Sifu Peterson at Rapid City Kung Fu.

Sifu Peterson is committed to continuing the tradition of excellent training in Ving Tsun Kung Fu exemplified by Master Li at multiple locations in the Rapid City, South Dakota area. Among these locations is the Liberty Center YMCA, located in Box Elder.

Speak with the Instructor.

If you have questions about Ving Tsun Kung Fu or our classes, contact us today.